

Issue Price Of Units Pursuant To The ESR-REIT Distribution Reinvestment Plan

BackNov 09, 2021
Announcement Title General Announcement
Date & Time of Broadcast Nov 9, 2021 7:07
Status Replace
Announcement Sub Title Issue Price of Units Pursuant to the ESR-REIT Distribution Reinvestment Plan
Announcement Reference SG211108OTHR0RGJ
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Adrian Chui
Designation CEO & Executive Director
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Due to typographical error in the announcement title, we have replaced the announcement title from 'Issue of New Units Pursuant to the ESR-REIT DRP" to "Issue Price of Units Pursuant to the ESR-REIT Distribution Reinvestment Plan".

Please refer to the attached announcement.


  1. Attachment 1 (Size: 91,586 bytes)