
Unitholder Services

Disclosure of Interests by Substantial Unitholders

Substantial Unitholders1 are required to inform both the Trustee and the REIT Manger of his/her interest within 2 business days when any of the below situation arises, using Form 3 and Form C (click link MAS website to access the forms2).

  1. That he/she has become a Substantial Unitholder;
  2. A change in the percentage level of his/her interest in ESR-REIT; or
  3. That he/she has ceased to be a Substantial Unitholder.

Completed Form 3 and Form C are to be submitted to the Trustee and the REIT Manager at the following email addresses:

The completed forms will then be disseminated via SGXNet announcement within one business day of receipt of the Forms (if the forms are completed correctly).

Please refer here for more information.


  1. A substantial unitholder is a person with an "interest" in not less than 5% of the total votes attached to all "voting units" (excluding treasury units) in the REIT. A voting unit is an "issued unit" in a REIT with no voting disabilities attached.
  2. All mandatory fields in the forms need to be completed and should you encounter any difficulties accessing the electronic forms, please call the MAS at (65) 6229 9222 / 6229 9956 for assistance. Alternatively, you may send your queries via e-mail to the following email address: