Announcement Title | General Announcement |
Date & Time of Broadcast | Nov 23, 2021 23:15 |
Status | Replacement |
Announcement Sub Title | Proposed Merger by Way of a Trust Scheme of Arrangement - Dealing Disclosure |
Announcement Reference | SG211117OTHRMOHB |
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) | Adrian Chui |
Designation | CEO & Executive Director |
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) | There was a typographical error under section 5 'Resultant Unitholding'. The paragraph should read as 'Based on the latest information available to the ESR-REIT Manager as at 5.00 p.m. on 16 November 2021, ESR-REIT and parties acting in concert and presumed to be acting in concert with it hold in aggregate 1,259,836,427 ESR-REIT Units, representing approximately 31.40% of all the issued ESR-REIT Units.' |