

Termination Of S$1,000,000,000 Multicurrency Debt Issuance Programme Established By HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited (In Its Capacity As Trustee Of ALOG Trust) (The "Issuer")

BackFeb 06, 2023
Announcement Title General Announcement
Date & Time of Broadcast Feb 6, 2023 19:30
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Termination of S$1,000,000,000 Multicurrency Debt Issuance Programme
Announcement Reference SG230206OTHRRSI4
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Adrian Chui
Designation CEO & Executive Director
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Termination of S$1,000,000,000 Multicurrency Debt Issuance Programme established by HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited (in its capacity as Trustee of ALOG Trust)

Please see attached.


  1. Attachment 1 (Size: 96,171 bytes)