Appointment Details | ||
Date of Appointment | 30/01/2009 | |
Name | Wendy Anne Teo Phaik Leng | |
Age | 36 | |
Country of principal residence | Singapore | |
The Board's comments on this appointment (including rationale, selection criteria, and the search and nomination process) | Wendy's role as Company Secretary would complement her position as Head of Legal and Compliance in the Manager, and provide comprehensive and direct support to the Board. | |
Whether appointment is executive, and if so, area of responsibility | Executive - responsible for the corporate secretarial functions of the Company | |
Job Title | Company Secretary | |
Working experience and occupation(s) during the past 10 years | Aug 2005 - Nov 2008: OCBC Ltd - AVP/Assistant Secretary July 2001 - July 2005: SIA Ltd - Legal Counsel, Head Secretariat Jan 2000 - July 2001: M/s Shook Lin & Bok - Senior Associate May 1996 - Jan 2000: M/s Tan Rajah & Cheah - Legal Assistant |
Shareholding in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries | None | |
Family relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries | None | |
Conflict of interest | None | |
Other Directorship | ||
Past (for the last five years) | Nil | |
Present | Nil | |
Information required pursuant to Listing Rule 704(7)(h) | ||
a. | Whether at any time during the last 10 years, a petition under any bankruptcy laws of any jurisdiction was filed against him or against a partnership of which he was a partner? | No |
b. | Whether at any time during the last 10 years a petition under any law of any jurisdiction was filed against a corporation of which he was a director or key executive for the winding up of that corporation on the ground of insolvency? | No |
c. | Whether there is any unsatisfied judgement against him? | No |
d. | Whether he has ever been convicted of any offence, in Singapore or elsewhere, involving fraud or dishonesty which is punishable with imprisonment for 3 months or more, or has been the subject of any criminal proceedings (including any pending criminal proceedings which he is aware of) for such purpose? | No |
e. | Whether he has ever been convicted of any offence, in Singapore or elsewhere involving a breach of any law or regulatory requirement that relates to the securities or futures industry in Singapore or elsewhere, or been the subject of any criminal proceedings (including any pending criminal proceedings which he is aware of) for such breach? | No |
f. | Whether at any time during the last 10 years, judgement has been entered against him in any civil proceedings in Singapore or elsewhere involving a breach of any law or regulatory requirement that relates to the securities or futures industry in Singapore or elsewhere, or a finding of fraud, misinterpretation or dishonesty on his part, or he has been the subject of any civil proceedings (including any pending civil proceedings which he is aware of involving an allegation of fraud, misinterpretation or dishonesty on his part)? | No |
g. | Whether he has ever been convicted in Singapore or elsewhere of any offence in connection with the formation or management of any corporation? | No |
h. | Whether he has ever been disqualified from acting as a director of any corporation, or from taking part directly or indirectly in the management of any corporation? | No |
i. | Whether he has ever been the subject of any order, judgement or ruling of any court, tribunal or governmental body, permanently or temporarily enjoining him from engaging in any type of business practice or activity? | No |
j. | Whether he has ever, to his knowledge, been concerned with the management or conduct, in Singapore or elsewhere, of the affairs of :- | |
(i) any corporation which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement governing corporations in Singapore or elsewhere; or | No |
(ii) any entity (not being a corporation) which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement governing such entities in Singapore or elsewhere; or | No |
(iii) any business trust which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement governing business trusts in Singapore or elsewhere; or | No |
(iv) any entity or business trust which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement that relates to the securities or futures industry in Singapore or elsewhere, | No |
in connection with any matter occurring or arising during that period when he was so concerned with the entity or business trust? | ||
k. | Whether he has been the subject of any current or past investigation or disciplinary proceedings, or has been reprimanded or issued any warning, by the Monetary Authority of Singapore or any other regulatory authority, exchange, professional body or government agency, whether in Singapore or elsewhere? | No |
Information required pursuant to Listing Rule 704(7)(i) | ||
Any prior experience as a director of a listed company? | ||
Other Notes | ||
Footnotes | Disclaimer The value of units in CIT ("Units") and the income derived from them may fall as well as rise. Units are not investments, liabilities or obligations of, or deposits in, Cambridge Industrial Trust Management Limited ("Manager"), RBC Dexia Trust Services Singapore Limited (in its capacity as trustee of CIT) ("Trustee"), or any of their respective related corporations and affiliates (including but not limited to National Australia Bank Limited, Antares Capital Partners Pty Ltd, or other members of the National Australia Bank group) and their affiliates (individually and collectively "Affiliates"). An investment in Units is subject to equity investment risk, including the possible delays in repayment and loss of income or the principal amount invested. Neither CIT, the Manager, the Trustee nor any of the Affiliates guarantees the repayment of any principal amount invested, the performance of CIT, any particular rate of return from investing in CIT, or any taxation consequences of an investment in CIT. Any indication of CIT performance returns is historical and cannot be relied on as an indicator of future performance. Investors have no right to request that the Manager redeem or purchase their Units while the Units are listed. It is intended that investors may only deal in their Units through trading on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "SGX-ST"). Listing of the Units on the SGX-ST does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units. This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Actual future performance, outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Representative examples of these factors include (without limitation) general industry and economic conditions, interest rate trends, cost of capital and capital availability, competition from similar developments, shifts in expected levels of occupancy or property rental income, changes in operating expenses (including employee wages, benefits and training costs), governmental and public policy changes and the continued availability of financing in amounts and on terms necessary to support future CIT business. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are based on the Manager's current view of future events. This release is for informational purposes only and does not have regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation or your particular needs. Any information contained in this release is not to be construed as investment or financial advice, and does not constitute an offer or an invitation to invest in CIT or any investment or product of or to subscribe to any services offered by the Manager, the Trustee or any of the Affiliates. While it is believed that the information contained is correct at the date of this release, no warranty or representation is given to this effect and no responsibility is accepted by the Manager, the Trustee or any of the Affiliates to anyone for any action taken on the basis of the information. No representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this release or on any related websites or other sources and the information is not to be relied upon in any such manner. It is important that you consider the matters mentioned above and, where a reference is made to Units in CIT or another product, you read the relevant prospectus and seek independent advice (including but not limited to legal and tax advice) without relying on this release before making any decision. You should also ensure that any investment is consistent with your personal risk appetite, liquidity requirement and return objectives. |